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Therapist Insurance Blog

Muscle and Joint Pain Problems!

30 September 2009

Muscle and joint pain - musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) - account for almost half of all sick leave, both in the UK and across Europe, a study has found.

No less than 49% of all sickness absence is caused by MSDs, said the Fit for Work Europe report by the Work Foundation business consultancy group.

MSDs include back pain, arthritis and repetitive strain injuries.

The report says an estimated one million people in the UK alone suffer from MSDs that cause them to take time off work, with 9.5 million working days lost each year.

It warns that both these numbers are set to rise as a result of an ageing workforce, the growth in obesity and the general decline in physical activity.

The study calls for a renewed effort across Europe to tackle MSDs, led by an increase in early detection.

Now am I stating the obvious here but shouldn’t there be an education programme in place that tells people that there is more they can do than take painkillers and time off work. From our experience people who get early diagnosis and appropriate treatment make a much better recovery.