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Therapist Insurance Blog

Whats the point of Beetroot?

07 August 2009

What is the thing with Beetroot. Never liked it, never will. And those who read our blog will know we are not to keen on Carrots either!

But, it seems we have it wrong. The University of Exeter have found that Beetroot juice contains a nitrate that leads to a reduction in oxygen uptake and makes exercise less tiring. The study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology suggests that the effect is greater than that which can be achieved by regular exercise.

Its only a small study but the University of Bedford and the University of San Diego also support the findings.

Now call me an old cynic but now we will have hordes of people thinking that gallons of Beetroot juice will give them the body of Linford Christie and the stamina of Paula Radcliffe. Happily, Professor John Brewer adds some sanity to the matter when he says "we must remember that exercise and training and a sensible diet will always remain as the sensible ingredients of a healthy and balanced lifestyle"

Right, I'm off to start my Beetroot pressing business!