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Therapist Insurance Blog


31 May 2009

We, like the rest of the world are now on Twitter! Not sure why but hey lets give it a try!

For news and updates visit:-


Not as interesting as Stephen Fry but we will do our best!

Back Pain

31 May 2009

At last! NICE confirms what millions of therapists have known for years! NHS patients will now be offered a range of Complementary therapies including acupuncture, massage, manual therapy and exercise. Since when has exercise been complementary? Xrays, ultrasound and injections are no longer recommended. Well I suppose we should be grateful NICE have come out with this. However, if I am honest I have been telling my patients this for years. I am sure there are thousands of other therapists out there who are are collectively shouting… halleleujah!

Website Launch

28 May 2009

Today we have launched our brand new website, Therapist Insurance.

We have worked hard with DC Development Ltd to bring you the best website for finding appropriate business insurance for your Therapy business.

We hope you enjoy using the website and that you find it useful. Please visit the blog again, it will be updated regularly on topics which relate to the Therapy world.

Thank you.