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Therapist Insurance recognises the importance of providing a website that is inclusive and available for all users. This page explains.

  • Therapist Insurance approach to making this website accessible;
  • the features provided to enhance the site’s accessibility;
  • what to do if you have any questions or feedback for us.


We at Therapist Insurance believe that this website meets Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines set out by the W3C organization.

Accessibility features

Text size

You can vary the text size by using your browser’s text resize option: View – Text Size.

Alternative text for images

All images have been given appropriate alternative text.

Heading elements

HTML heading elements have been used to represent page structure, supporting assistive technologies that allow page navigation from heading to heading.

Link text

All hyperlinks should make sense when read out of context, and hyperlinks are clearly presented in a different text style from normal body text.

Colour contrast

Therapist Insurance have checked text and background colour combinations to ensure that the contrast is sufficient and we have also ensured that information is not referenced by colour alone.

Questions and feedback

We can provide you with information on our products in most formats. Therefore, if you experience any difficulty with certain web browsers or other software whilst visiting our site, please give us a call on 0845 519 2854.